Sunday, 22 September 2013

Settling as a busy bee and being social

Offt hey peeps!
Sorry for the lack of posts recently been a really busy bee getting my head around University work and catching up with friends I've not seen for a while. All this fun and running around with a bag full of uni work/art supplies sure does make a girl tired just a wee bit. Their was some stuff going on in my personal life as well which I was sorting out. But things are getting there and I still see my Therapist every week and it's been really positive and think I'm making progress.

But Autumn is upon us and things are starting to look beautiful out here I love Autumn very much and it is getting slightly colder. But more excuses to buy new pretty clothes which are on their way in the post :D

Our little garden is looking a lot nicer which is wonderful and strawberries and raspberries are growing ten fold! The little garden babies.

Need to make some jam soon sounds like a plan. 

These are some sneak peeks of things I've been working on at uni for my two classes I'm enjoying them a great deal. Still getting into the creative vibe tho so ideas are still sorting them selves out in my squishy head.

Since being back at uni theirs also been a lot of friend seeing and partying comes with that naturally.
So many partying has been had but a night out isn't complete without hang over food the next day.
Me and some friends went to a cute little cafe near by that was so cosy and lovely and the food portions were intense!

So things have been up and down all around and some more but I still want to keep blogging and keeping up to date with you guys. I'll check out all your new posts very soon.

Shirt: Primark
Vest: Primark
Skirt: Dunes
Tights: George Asda

I've actually been wearing lots of different things to so I'll keep trying to update with outfit and product posts cause their fun.

Hope your all keeping well
Take care


  1. Oh really cute pics, really lovely and really cute, thanks for share a piece of your world. Your blg is really interesting now i´m following you in GFC and Bloglovin´I hope your follow me back in both!

    1. Aw thank you your very sweet and kind. I'll follow you back to hun I always follow back! 8D

  2. great pictures. how cool is it that your bf designs mobile phone games? any recommendations?


    Inspirations Have I None

    1. Thanks hun, it's pretty cool I'm not sure if I ever mentioned he does mobile phone games lol
      Heres all the games they have made he's worked on the Bloons games with the little monkeys and the SAS zombie game. :3 xx

